
to conclude....

On that point I was making the other day? For those worried about Tony Blair's hire-ability, he seems to have found something.

I'm not going to lie. I had really hoped he was going to be put in charge of the World Bank, or perhaps play the tambourine in a musical trio that would include Bono and Bob Geldof, and they'd always be wondering about whether people in Ethiopia even knew it was Christmas. Perhaps he would dye his hair pink and roll his T-shirt sleeves to his shoulders. It would be gawky and weird, but....

Right. Very serious leader of the world. Erm.... Good luck with the new job, Sir.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wait, can't he just do what all former PMs do??? Wait, what the hell do former PMs do? Margaret Thatcher, where are you. Seriously, I think the last thing the Middle East peace process needs is Blair.